How to create a Content Plan with Chatgpt for Instagram

If you find it difficult to plan the content you are going to upload to your brand or business's social media and feel that when the time comes to publish you find yourself unprepared, this article is for you.

You will learn how to create a content plan step by step using Artificial Intelligence and a template that I will provide at the end.

It is essential to have a solid strategy to maintain a constant and conscious presence on your social networks. So, let's get to it!

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Defining your audience

The first step to creating an effective content plan is to define who you are targeting. It is crucial to understand that on platforms like Instagram, where competition is high, your ideal client should immediately identify themselves when visiting your profile.

Imagine you have a personal training business focused on women between 25 and 45 years old who are mothers and workers, and who have little time to exercise. It is important to know what their pain points, problems and common concerns are in order to define the content pillars.

Using GPT Chat to identify pain points

This is where Artificial Intelligence, specifically GPT Chat, can be of great help. We can use it to generate a list of 10 pain points, objections or thoughts that our ideal client might have, adapting it to the characteristics of our business.

These pain points will help us define the content pillars of our plan.

Defining the Content Pillars

Content Pillars are general categories that will serve as the foundation for your entire content strategy. In our example of personalized training and nutrition, the pillars proposed by Chat GPT are: time management and conciliation, motivation and personal improvement, exercise plans and routines, healthy nutrition and quick recipes, and support and community.

These pillars will be at the core of our posts and will help us create relevant and engaging content for our audience.

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Defining objectives for your content

Every piece of content you create should have a clear goal. You can educate, entertain, inspire, or sell to your audience. These goals will guide your creation of both macro and micro content. Macro content is more in-depth and labor-intensive, like videos or detailed stories.

On the other hand, microcontent is quicker and easier to consume, such as infographics or text posts.

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Organizing ideas in the calendar template

Using the information generated by GPT Chat, you can create an organized and structured content calendar. You can assign content ideas to specific days of the week and define whether they will be macro or micro content and with what objective they will be published.

Organize your ideas in the template provided and adjust your posting frequency based on what works best for your audience.


Creating an effective content plan for your social media is essential to maintain a constant and relevant presence in front of a highly competitive audience. Artificial Intelligence, such as GPT Chat, can be a powerful tool to generate ideas and structure your content strategy.

Remember to adapt the examples and concepts presented here to the specific needs of your business. Start creating a solid content plan and achieve success on your social networks!

Written by Moises Hamui Abadi : I am an entrepreneur, founding partner of Viceversa and SoyMacho. After leading several digital businesses and advising several other businesses, I decided to form MHA Consulting, a digital marketing consultancy dedicated to growing and empowering digital businesses in more than 7 countries and generating more than 1,500 million pesos.

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