Email marketing: 6 tips to optimize your results

Email marketing is one of the most effective tools to create solid and lasting business relationships with the consumer, thanks to the fact that it remains a direct communication channel. But to improve results, it is necessary to adapt your emails to current trends in the digital market.

For this reason, I share 6 tips to optimize the results of your emails.

Email marketing: 6 tips to optimize your results

Strategic and minimalist designs

Currently, users receive dozens of emails a day, but few manage to have a positive impact on the consumer and this is due to a simple reason: design.

Emails with saturated elements, low quality images, poorly used branding and unclear communication are the reasons why your commercial objectives are not achieved. My recommendation is to use minimalist designs.

The phrase “less is more” goes well, which translates into offering truly quality content. Simple and clean designs convey greater confidence and help the message or business objective reach the user effectively. Another important benefit that minimalist designs offer is that, by having few elements, you will be able to optimize the loading time of your emails.

To build a strategic and minimalist email, I recommend the following:


It is very important that the logo and colors of your brand are visible enough so that the consumer can identify you in a matter of seconds .

You may think it is the most logical thing in the world, but I have seen this problem on numerous occasions, especially in small and medium-sized companies.  By not having a well-defined and proportionate brand identity within your email , you run the risk of being confused with the competition.


To attract customers' attention, there is nothing better than using high-quality images that convey emotions. Images are more effective than long texts. A potential client won't have to invest too much time to understand the concept. Remember to use only the necessary ones.

Set a clear goal

By eliminating the clutter of information in your emails, you will be able to construct a clear and concise message. A specific promotion or discount should capture about 80% of the essence of the email.

Call to action

It is recommended that each email have a maximum of 3 CTAs, but if you can simplify it to just one, you will make life easier for your consumer. Like your brand's logo, this must be visible from the first moment.

Personalize your emails

According to statistics, a personalized and well-segmented email can generate around a 60% conversion rate compared to generic emails that you send to your entire database.

But by personalized emails I don't mean just placing the user's name in the email, but rather tracing an entire line of communication based on the profile of your ideal client or buyer persona.

To achieve effective communication you must think about how to resolve a need from the subject, then increase the degree of interest by offering an attractive offer or promotion that encourages opening the email.

Of course, you must also take into account what stage of the conversion funnel your potential customer is in and what their purchasing behavior is to develop the right message. 

Personalize your emails

Avoid SPAM words

Nowadays, email providers have anti-spam filters that automatically detect words with commercial background. For example, words like “special promotion,” “best price,” “free,” “limited offer,” etc. For this reason, it is very important to be careful how you use these types of words, since the success or failure of your email marketing campaign will depend on it.

Data-driven email marketing

Data analysis will allow us to do email marketing truly based on the profile of your ideal client and at the same time make more attractive and personalized creatives that generate a high impact on the consumer. As a recommendation, perform a/b testing , testing different themes, designs and styles until you find the one that has the best performance.


Email marketing automation consists of sending a series of emails with content related to the topic in which the user showed interest. Of course, it will depend on the data you previously obtained about their digital behavior.

Fortunately, new technologies are relying on artificial intelligence to speed up this process, so having a shipping platform that is at the forefront will be your best ally.

Adapt your emails for mobile

According to statistics, more than 50% of emails are opened from mobile phones and this trend is increasing. Therefore, it is important that your emails are adapted to this version, so that your email marketing efforts fulfill their purpose. As a tip, before sending an email , test it on different devices until you verify that the display is correct.

Adapt your emails for mobile

Apply these recommendations, I assure you that with these changes you will make your emails have a better impact. If you want more information on this topic, at MHA you will find the solution you need.

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