SEO on YouTube How to position your videos?

First of all, you should know that YouTube is a search engine and as such, it has its own rules and algorithm to position videos. Given this, it is essential to know the best practices to appear first and accumulate subscribers, views and, above all, gain visibility and recognition .

What is SEO for YouTube?

In order for viewers to notice your videos and ensure that they rank well on YouTube, it is important to optimize them with the help of SEO .

SEO for YouTube consists of all the techniques used to ensure that videos and playlists appear in the first organic results of the video platform.

With an estimated 1.7 billion users per month and 14 billion visits in that period of time, it is essential for every company to be present and relevant on YouTube.

The key to positioning on YouTube

Well, for years, content creators have played with all the options that YouTube offers, which is basically On Video optimization, that is, what we can do directly.

Factors such as the title, descriptions or even subtitles can make a difference when the platform chooses which video to put at the top of the results, however, the key to everything is in the interaction .

That's right, engagement is what determines the positioning success of a video. If YouTube observes that a content begins to have many “Likes”, “Dislikes”, comments and is highly shared, it will take it into account to position and recommend.

According to data from HubSpot “The main form of media used in content marketing is video” and this is no coincidence, since current users prefer to watch than read, in addition to being part of the content, interacting with the creators. and giving or removing relevance.

Now knowing this data and the key factor, let's see what you can do to position your videos on YouTube.

7 tips to position your videos on YouTube

Follow the following suggestions or tips to be at the top of the most famous video platform in the world.

Do keyword research

Yes, keyword research is essential for any SEO strategy. For YouTube it is no exception and before you start making your videos, you need to know what people are searching for.

To find out the search volume for keywords in your sector, you can use the Keywords Explorer section of the Ahrefs tool. With it, you can select YouTube and obtain that information.

Likewise, the most basic but also effective way is to write the keyword in the platform's search box and see the autocomplete. There you will see the most popular searches.

Work the On Page

As we already mentioned, the On Page factor does have weight in positioning, so you should take into account:

Title : Create a striking and specific title, use the keyword and make sure it is no longer than 60 characters.

Description : Here you do have enough space to expand on the content of the video. Try to use the main keyword and related keywords, as well as write it in an entertaining way. Before clicking on your videos, users can read this section, which can be decisive for them to choose you.

Tags : Use keywords directly, so YouTube will know better what type of searches to recommend you. You can also use names of competitors to try to gain ground on them.

Thumbnails : Don't stick with thumbnails that are excerpts from your video. Create a custom thumbnail for each piece of content. Remember that the click enters through the eyes.

In Video Optimization

At this point we refer to 3 aspects:

  • Subtitles : Try transcribing the audio and uploading it so YouTube can sync correctly. This way you will have more opportunities for users of other languages ​​to see you.
  • Cards : These are the small recommendations that appear during the video. You can customize what to recommend and place the ones you want.
  • End screens : When the video ends, other content is recommended or go directly to the creator's channel.

Implement these 3 elements to boost the reach of your videos.

Extend the duration of videos

Over the years, videos on the platform have extended their duration; This is logical, if the user spends more time viewing the content, it results in more ads.

By making longer videos, you can make your viewers stay longer and YouTube will reward you with more visibility.

The recommended time is greater than 10 minutes.

Encourage interaction

We reach the strong point, engagement. Although users will comment and let you know how much they liked the content, it doesn't hurt to ask them directly to do these actions.

Try to always be attentive, responding to comments and creating content that serves the community to grow your interactions.

Promote your videos

You've already told your viewers to interact, but it's also up to you to promote your content. You can try the following:

  • Create an email marketing strategy .
  • Post on your social networks.
  • Create a site upload them there.
  • Join communities and participate, be active.

Analyze and optimize

As in any strategy, you must track the performance of your content. Know retention, impressions, where they stop watching your videos, and more so you can understand what your audience likes so you can replicate and improve it.

If you want to know more about this topic or require advice, at MHA you will find the solution , because our commitment is to guide you in the best way in this extremely competitive digital era.

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