Email marketing audit

Email marketing is one of the most effective and profitable digital marketing strategies that exist. According to a study by Cyberclick, an average return on investment (ROI) rate of $40 is expected for every $1 invested in email marketing.

An email marketing audit is an in-depth evaluation of an email program and the strategy and resources behind it. This seeks to discover things that need to be updated or even fixed.

The process analyzes aspects such as performance, deliverability, design, segmentation, personalization, compliance with regulations and security of each campaign.

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Benefits of performing an email marketing audit

Conducting an email marketing audit has many benefits, such as:

Improve interaction with subscribers . The average email open rate is 19.7%, but this can be increased by sending emails with personalized subject lines, which generate 50% more opens.

Increase conversions and sales . Sending 3 abandoned cart emails results in 69% more orders than a single email.

Build customer loyalty and build trust . 49% of consumers would like to receive promotional emails from their favorite brands. 81% of small businesses rely on email as their primary customer acquisition channel and 80% as their retention channel.

Optimize resources and budget . 37% of brands are increasing their email budget, but it's important to know how to spend it efficiently. Subscriber segmentation is the most effective email marketing campaign strategy.

What is reviewed in an email marketing audit

In an email marketing audit, several aspects are reviewed, such as:

The subscriber list : the quality, size, growth and segmentation of your contact list is analyzed. It is verified that subscribers have given their consent to receive your emails and that there are no problems with bounces, unsubscribes or spam.

The content of the emails : the subject, message, design, images, links and calls to action of your campaigns are evaluated. It is checked that the content is relevant, attractive, personalized and consistent with your brand.

Campaign performance : Key metrics of your campaigns are measured, such as open, click, conversion, and unsubscribe rates. The strengths and weaknesses of your campaigns are identified and compared to objectives and industry standards.

The deliverability of emails: it is verified that your emails reach the inbox of your subscribers and are not filtered as spam. The reputation of your domain, the configuration of your mail server, the code of your emails and the hygiene of your list are evaluated.

Regulatory compliance : Ensures that your campaigns comply with current laws and regulations, such as GDPR or CAN-SPAM. Your emails are checked to see if they include information about your identity, your address, your privacy policy, and an unsubscribe link.

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Benefits that MHA offers you to create your email marketing strategy

MHA is a consulting firm specialized in digital marketing that helps you design, implement and optimize your email marketing campaigns. Some of the benefits it offers you are:

+ We advise you to create a quality, segmented and updated database of your contacts.

+ We help you define the objectives, content, design and frequency of your emails, according to your target audience, your value proposition and your purchasing cycle.

+ We offer you professional email marketing tools and platforms that allow you to create, send and measure the impact of your campaigns easily and quickly.

+ We provide you with monitoring and analysis of the results of your campaigns, so that you can know the return on investment, the behavior of your contacts, opening rates, clicks, conversions and unsubscribes, and thus be able to optimize your future actions.

+ We provide you with technical assistance and ongoing support to resolve any questions or problems you may have with your email marketing campaigns.

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