Facebook data collection: It knows everything about us

In the digital age, our lives are increasingly intertwined with the online platforms we use every day. Two of the tech giants, Facebook and Google, seem to have a deep understanding of who we are and what we do online.

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Cambridge Analytica and the Privacy Disclosure

Some time ago, a scandal shook the world of social media. Cambridge Analytica, a company related to SCL, was at the center of a privacy scandal that went viral. It was revealed that this company had been involved in manipulating democratic elections around the world, including Brexit in the United Kingdom and the election of Donald Trump in the United States.

While this is not directly related to the question of whether Facebook is listening to our conversations, it does shed light on the extensive data collection that these platforms carry out.

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The Mystery of Facebook Data Collection

One of the most disconcerting aspects of Facebook's data collection is the way it gathers information about us, even when we're not using the app. It's not just about what we share on our timeline, but how Facebook tracks our movements across the web.

For example, every time we visit an article, news item or forum that has Facebook “Like” or “Share” buttons, the platform obtains all the traffic data from that site and stores it, identifying who we are.

This means that Facebook tracks our online behavior, even outside of its main platform.

Facebook Analytics and the Power of Demographic Data

In addition to direct data collection, Facebook launched its own analytics tool called Facebook Analytics. This tool allows websites to compare visitor data with people's Facebook profiles, providing more accurate demographic data.

This means that Facebook can create detailed profiles of users based on their online behavior, which in turn is used to target ads more effectively.

Mark Zuckerberg's Revelation: "We Sell Ads"

Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, made a statement that shocked many: "Senator, we sell ads." This confirmed what was already known: Facebook sells advertising.

But behind this claim lies a machinery of specialized artificial intelligence algorithms that track everything we do online and how we do it. Even when we read an article or interact on a blog, if we see a comment system linked to Facebook, the platform is observing our behavior.

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Off-Platform Data Collection

Facebook does not limit itself to collecting data within its platform. It uses multiple techniques to identify us and create profiles, either a real profile connected to our account or a fake profile that they call a "shadow profile." This data collection is done through various sources:

  • Login data and cookies from websites we visit.
  • Geolocation information through Wi-Fi antennas and nearby networks.
  • Identifying nearby Bluetooth devices.
  • Phone number provided when using Facebook Messenger.
  • IMEI of the mobile device.

The Connection Between Facebook and the Messenger App

One of the most valuable pieces of data Facebook collects is through the Messenger app.

By syncing our contacts and text messages, Facebook gains deep insight into our personal relationships, the calls we make and receive, their duration, and more. This has a direct impact on what we see in our news feed and on other platforms in the Facebook family, such as Instagram and WhatsApp.

How Does Facebook Use This Data?

Mass data collection is not limited to Facebook. Google also plays a major role in this field, with tools such as Google Maps and extensive search history.

Both companies use artificial intelligence algorithms to better understand who we are and what we are interested in. This knowledge translates into targeted advertising and personalized content.

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The Impact on Society

The amount of data these companies have about us raises ethical and privacy questions.

Furthermore, the use of algorithms to understand our personal interests and relationships can influence the way we perceive information online. The spread of fake news and the manipulation of public opinion are real concerns.

Protective Measures

While it is difficult to completely prevent data collection, there are steps we can take to protect our privacy online. Some of these include:

  • Using a virtual private network (VPN) to hide our location.
  • Migrating messaging apps to more secure platforms, such as Telegram.
  • Uninstalling the Facebook app and using extensions like Firefox Facebook Container to limit data collection.
  • Basic computer security education.

The Future of Online Privacy

The European Union has set an important precedent with its General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which seeks to protect citizens’ privacy online.

As other countries consider implementing similar regulations, online privacy becomes a crucial issue in the digital age.

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Facebook and Google have an amazing understanding of who we are and how we navigate online.

Data collection is a fundamental part of your business model, and it is important that users are aware of how their data is being used. Taking steps to protect our online privacy is essential in an increasingly digitalized world. Online privacy is not an issue that should be taken lightly, as it directly affects our autonomy and security online.

Written by Moises Hamui Abadi : I am an entrepreneur, founding partner of Viceversa and SoyMacho. After leading several digital businesses and advising several other businesses, I decided to form MHA Consulting, a digital marketing consultancy dedicated to growing and empowering digital businesses in more than 7 countries and generating more than 1,500 million pesos.

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