How to advertise on WhatsApp?

WhatsApp is one of the most popular instant messaging apps in the world, with over 2 billion monthly active users.

This huge audience makes it an ideal platform for marketing , as it allows you to communicate directly, personally and effectively with potential and current customers.

What is the name of the advertisement sent by WhatsApp?

Advertising sent via WhatsApp can have different names, depending on the type and purpose of the advertisement. Some of the most common names are:

  • WhatsApp Marketing: This is the general term used to refer to the use of WhatsApp as a digital marketing tool. WhatsApp Marketing involves creating and sending messages to WhatsApp users for commercial purposes, such as informing, persuading or building loyalty. This can include different types of content, such as text, images, videos, audios or links.
  • WhatsApp Business Advertising – This is the term used to refer to using WhatsApp Business as a platform to send bulk or personalized messages to customers. WhatsApp Business is a version of WhatsApp designed for businesses, allowing them to create a professional profile, send automated messages, manage conversations with customers, and access statistics. To use WhatsApp Business, you need to download the free app and register your phone number. To send bulk or personalized messages, you need to use the WhatsApp Business API, which is an interface that allows you to connect your WhatsApp account to other platforms or services. To use the WhatsApp Business API, you need to hire a WhatsApp-authorized provider, who is responsible for managing the connection and sending of messages.

How much does WhatsApp advertising cost?

The price of advertising on WhatsApp depends on how you want to advertise on this application.

There are several options and prices for advertising on WhatsApp. I will summarize them below.

Advertising on WhatsApp Business

WhatsApp Business is a free app that lets you create a business profile, send automated messages, serve your customers, and view statistics. To use it, all you have to do is download it and use your phone number.

But if you want to send a lot of messages or personalized messages to your customers, you have to use the WhatsApp Business API, which is an interface that connects you to other platforms or services.

To use the WhatsApp Business API, you need to pay a WhatsApp-authorized provider, who will handle the connection and sending of messages. The price of the WhatsApp Business API varies depending on the provider, country, and type of message.

For example, according to WhatsApp's official website, the price per message can range from $0.0042 in India to $0.0858 in Germany. WhatsApp also charges differently depending on the category of the message, which can be marketing, utility, authentication or service.

There are also some free messages, such as those sent within 24 hours after the customer's last response, or those sent from a WhatsApp click-to-action ad or Facebook call-to-action button.

Advertising on other social networks

Another way to advertise on WhatsApp is to create ads on other social networks such as Facebook or Instagram , which when clicked on take the user to a WhatsApp conversation with the advertising company.

This option allows you to attract the attention of users on other platforms and bring them to a more direct and personal channel. To make these types of announcements, you must have a WhatsApp Business account and connect it to your Facebook Business Manager account.

The price of these ads depends on the objective, audience and budget you choose for your campaign. According to Facebook's official website, the average price per click (CPC) in Spain is 0.28 euros.

Advertising on WhatsApp stories

WhatsApp Stories is a feature that allows you to share photos, videos or texts that are deleted after 24 hours.

This feature is very similar to Instagram or Snapchat, and has a lot of marketing potential as it creates a sense of urgency and exclusivity in users.

To make effective WhatsApp stories, you have to keep in mind some tips such as using quality images or videos, adding visual elements such as stickers or emojis, putting a clear and direct call to action, and segmenting your audience according to their interests or preferences.

The price of WhatsApp stories is not set by WhatsApp, but by the content creator. That is, you can decide how much to charge for creating and publishing a story to promote a product or service.

schedule call button

How to advertise on WhatsApp: three ways to take advantage of the app

WhatsApp offers several options for advertising on its platform, depending on the type of content you want to create and the objective you want to achieve. Below, we present three ways to advertise on WhatsApp that you can implement in your marketing strategy .

Using WhatsApp Stories: How to Create Engaging and Ephemeral Content

WhatsApp Stories, also known as Statuses, are a feature that allows users to share photos, videos or texts that disappear after 24 hours. This feature is very similar to Instagram or Snapchat, and has great marketing potential, as it generates a sense of urgency and exclusivity in users.

To create effective WhatsApp stories, you should keep the following tips in mind:

  • Use quality images or videos that capture attention and convey the message you want to communicate.
  • Add visual elements like stickers, emojis, filters or text to make your stories more fun and interactive.
  • Include a clear and direct call to action that invites users to take a specific action, such as visiting your website, contacting you on WhatsApp, or purchasing your product or service.
  • Segment your audience based on their interests, preferences or behaviors to send them personalized and relevant stories.
  • Measure the performance of your stories using WhatsApp statistics, such as the number of views, reactions or replies.

Implementing conversational marketing: how to use chatbots and mass messaging to engage with customers

Conversational marketing is a technique that involves using automated or intelligent tools to maintain conversations with customers through digital channels such as WhatsApp. The goal is to offer fast, efficient and personalized customer service that generates trust and satisfaction.

To implement conversational marketing on WhatsApp, you can use two main resources: chatbots and mass messages.

Chatbots are computer programs that simulate a human conversation through the use of artificial intelligence. Chatbots can answer customers' frequently asked questions, resolve their doubts or problems, offer recommendations or suggestions, or guide them through the purchasing process.

Mass messages are messages that are sent to a large number of contacts at the same time, in order to inform them about some news, promotion or event. Mass messages can be personalized according to the recipient's name, location or purchase history.

To use chatbots and mass messages on WhatsApp, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Obtain prior and explicit consent from users to send them commercial messages via WhatsApp.
  • Use an official account verified by WhatsApp Business API, which is the professional version of the application designed for businesses.
  • Hire a WhatsApp-authorized provider to manage the connection between your account and the platform.
  • Respect the rules and policies established by WhatsApp, such as the proper use of the logo, permitted or prohibited content, or the maximum time to respond to users.

Creating click-to-WhatsApp campaigns: how to integrate WhatsApp with other social networks to generate traffic and conversions

Click-to-WhatsApp campaigns are ads that are displayed on other social networks such as Facebook or Instagram, and that when clicked, redirect the user to a WhatsApp conversation with the advertising company. This function allows users to be attracted to other platforms and take them to a more direct and personal channel, where a closer and longer-lasting relationship can be generated.

To create successful click-to-WhatsApp campaigns, you must follow these steps:

  • Create a WhatsApp Business account and link it to your Facebook Business Manager account.
  • Choose the objective of your campaign, which can be to increase brand awareness, reach or interactions.
  • Define the target audience of your ad, according to their demographic, geographical or psychographic characteristics.
  • Design the format and content of your ad, which can be an image, video or carousel. Make sure it is attractive, clear and relevant to your audience.
  • Add a call-to-action button that says “Send Message” or “Chat Now” and when clicked, opens a WhatsApp conversation with your business.
  • Enter the initial message you want to send to users who click on your ad. You can customize it based on the user's name, language, or country.
  • Set your campaign budget and duration, and launch.
  • Monitor your campaign performance using Facebook metrics such as impressions, clicks, conversions, and cost per result.

How can I measure the success of my WhatsApp marketing campaigns?

To measure the success of your WhatsApp marketing campaigns, you need to consider some key performance indicators (KPIs) that allow you to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of your messages. Some of these indicators are:

  • The number of messages delivered – This indicator shows you how many of the messages you sent reached their destination. If a large number of messages were not delivered, there may be a problem with the contact list or with the recipients blocking the company's number.
  • Open rate – This indicator shows you the percentage of messages that were opened by recipients. This indicator is important as it reflects the level of interest recipients have in the content of the messages.
  • Response rate : This metric shows you the percentage of messages that generated a response from recipients. This metric is especially important if the goal of the campaign is to generate conversations with potential customers or encourage engagement with the brand.
  • The number of conversions – this indicator shows you how many recipients performed the desired action after receiving the message, such as visiting a website, purchasing a product, subscribing to a service, etc. This indicator is the most relevant if the goal of the campaign is to generate sales or leads.
  • Return on Investment (ROI) : This indicator shows you the relationship between the cost of the campaign and the profit generated by it. If the ROI is positive, it means that the campaign generated more revenue than was invested in it.

To obtain these indicators, you can use some tools or platforms that make it easier for you to send and analyze your WhatsApp marketing campaigns.

For example, you can use WhatsApp Business API, which is the professional version of WhatsApp designed for businesses, and which allows you to send mass messages through a WhatsApp-authorized provider.

Another option is to use B2Chat, a platform that allows you to manage your mass mailings and obtain detailed reports on the performance of your campaigns.

Written by Moises Hamui Abadi: I am an entrepreneur, founding partner of Viceversa and SoyMacho. After leading several digital businesses and advising several other businesses, I decided to form MHA Consulting, a digital marketing consultancy dedicated to growing and empowering digital businesses in more than 7 countries and generating more than 1,500 million pesos.

If you want more information on this topic or are looking for other options to profile your ideal client, you will find the solution you need at MHA. Schedule a call.

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