Google Discovery: What it is and how to position yourself effectively

Google Discovery is a feature or feed within the Google application that allows you to scroll through topics of interest personalized to the user, based on their previous searches. Unlike the traditional Google search engine, Discovery offers you this information without having asked for it, but rather makes an interpretation and anticipates what you may like.

The content that appears in Discovery is updated every time new information relevant to the user is published. As it is a suggestion and not a direct response to a keyword search, users can click and traffic can be variable, but, commonly, when content enters Google Discovery, visits to said content skyrocket.

The format of this feed is similar to that of social networks , which, with tabs or image cards, followed by title, date and little heart, you can further personalize this function.

Google Discovery suggestions include:

  • Informative pages.
  • Videos .
  • Climate.
  • Advertisements.
  • Stock exchange data.
  • Results of football matches and other sports.
  • Etc.

Where does Google Discovery get its information from?

Google's AI or algorithm, as we have already mentioned, predicts the content that may interest you by reviewing the following data:

  • Your browsing history.
  • Check the apps that you may have access to, such as YouTube, email, chats, etc.
  • Your locations.
  • Information from your devices connected by the same email account.

With this in mind, it is also possible to give the feed a hand and tell it what you don't want to appear and what it can suggest to you.

How to use Google Discovery for your business?

Appearing on Discovery offers a huge opportunity for visibility and increased organic traffic. However, until now, no one knows exactly the formula to undoubtedly appear in this feed. Despite this, there are signs and suggestions that you can apply to be successful.

Now, the first thing you should know is that any content that is indexed by Google has the opportunity to appear in Discovery; added to this:

  • Use large images. good quality and small size. Since it is a purely visual feed, it is a super important factor. Images 1200 pixels wide are recommended.
  • Make sure your website is adapted to mobile devices, as remember that Discovery is only for this type of device. Google takes into account user experience and permanence, which is why it offers exactly that,
  • Analyze the content that you will create or that you want to optimize, making sure that it is eye-catching and can generate engagement. Like any social network, this type of content will have priority.
  • Perform On Page or Tech optimization to ensure that your content and, in general, your entire page can compete with others.
  • Create specific and non-misleading titles that do not contradict or attempt to confuse the user. In your content, try to respond to what you put in your titles and always play fair with respect to keywords and their repetition.
  • Always think about your buyer persona , not the Google algorithm.

If you want to know more about this topic or require advice, at M.H.A. you will find the solution,  because our commitment is to guide you in the best way in this extremely competitive digital era.

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