15 Advantages and disadvantages of social networks

Social networks are spaces and platforms in which a new connection with people proliferates.

They also help to enhance and improve information exchange techniques between people, companies and other social or commercial agents .

When we talk about social media, we immediately think of the platforms that are trending.

Currently we can talk about Instagram, TikTok, Twitter or Facebook as the main social networks.

However, as time goes on, new networks may emerge or some may decline to the point of becoming obsolete.

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If we think about the decline and disuse of social media, it is clear that there are different advantages and disadvantages to their structure. If not, how else could the popularity of each social platform be explained?

At least in the commercial and marketing field , social networks are a great tool and channel to create sales strategies and projects.

In this sense, marketing professionals try to stay current and up-to-date with any new developments within social platforms.

Therefore, it is easy to recognize the advantages and disadvantages of social networks, since you want to know their characteristics, behaviors with their audience, similarities and differences.

If you want to know more information about social networks, as well as their main strengths and disadvantages, we recommend that you continue reading the article we have for you.

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The impact of social media

Social networks have three fairly clear functions: facilitating the exchange of information, allowing for better communication and encouraging the creation of communities.

The impact of these elements is that nowadays we no longer talk about the media, but rather about the media . This is because the traditional scheme (of a media) has been configured towards a changing, interactive and dynamic process.

This translates into the integration of dissemination media with traditional media, such as virtual spaces, in which social networks stand out.

The most used social networks in the world

According to one of the latest studies carried out by the companies We are social and HootSuite in 2021 , the most used social networks worldwide are:

  • Facebook .
  • YouTube.
  • Twitter.
  • Instagram.
  • Snapchat.
  • Pinterest.

There is also a lot of talk about two other platforms: WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. Some people consider these two channels to be social networks. However, there are also those who claim that they are merely instant messaging services.

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Advantages of social networks

Below, we will present 10 great advantages of social networks that are proliferating in the commercial, marketing and business fields.

1. They serve as a channel for disseminating the company's content. This refers to the web traffic and online presence that a business can obtain if the channels (social networks) are used appropriately.

2. It is possible to associate a blog. If the company has a blog where it publishes relevant content and material , social networks are a great boost to promote the approach to quality content. This translates into notoriety and improved engagement on social networks.

3. It encourages collaboration and communication between professionals. This means that social platforms facilitate coexistence between companies and professionals, which helps to enhance collaborations between them. They also allow for timely feedback to improve techniques and strategies.

4. Improve the channel and customer service. Social platforms can improve the practices carried out to offer the necessary customer service, in order to build customer loyalty through listening, attention and resolution of their problems. Thanks to social networks, it is easier to manage comments, questions, criticisms and suggestions.

5. It increases the brand's visibility. As expected, the brand expands its image by breaking down certain barriers that prevented it from reaching other audiences. In other words, geographical barriers are broken down to reach new customers and users. The brand that wisely uses social media will be a recognizable brand.

6. Contact with potential clients and customer loyalty. Customer acquisition and loyalty are activities that can be achieved through appropriate use of social networks. Likewise, we must not forget that this is also achieved through the use of strategies, techniques and other practices.

7. Real-time measurement of marketing actions. Each social network has its own operations panel to manage and interpret the data of the actions . Depending on the platform, the measurement will be simple or slightly complicated. However, monitoring tools are currently usually designed so that they can be interpreted without much effort.

8. It is possible to analyze the competition. It is always important to follow the steps of the competition , in order to be able to land new ideas or strategies to take advantage of the disadvantages of the rivals. This action is very useful when making decisions and planning new strategies.

9. Improve the company's online reputation. Having a good image on the Internet is important, as it generates trust and security for potential clients. Therefore, it is vital to invest in creating a personal brand on social networks . Naturally, reputation management will come, which involves having a closer relationship with clients.

10. Offer information, knowledge and content. In addition to associating a blog, social networks can encourage the consumption of interesting content for users.

    Disadvantages of social networks

    Most disadvantages tend to be somewhat subjective, as they depend almost entirely on the type of company and its needs.

    However, there are some general considerations that can represent a disadvantage for companies, which can be summarized in two major drawbacks:

    1. Addiction : Social media can lead to addiction and dependency in users. Users can lose control of the time spent on social media and neglect other important activities such as work, study or rest. Social media addiction can also negatively affect physical and mental health.

    2. Misinformation : Social media can spread false, misleading or manipulated information for malicious or commercial purposes. People may be misled into believing or sharing information without verifying its veracity or reliability. Misinformation on social media can also create confusion, fear or polarization.

    3. Cyberbullying : Social media can be a place for cyberbullying or digital harassment among users. Users can suffer or receive insults, threats, humiliation or blackmail through social media. Cyberbullying on social media can also cause psychological, emotional or legal damage.

    4. Privacy : Social media can violate users' privacy and security. Users' personal or sensitive information can be accessed or stolen without their consent or knowledge. Privacy on social media can also be affected by the misuse or abuse of data by third parties.

    5. Competition : Social media can create competition and comparison between users. There may be a feeling of pressure or anxiety to get more likes, comments or followers than other users. Competition on social media can also affect self-esteem, confidence or personal satisfaction.

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    Advantages of each social network

    Each social network has its own characteristics, functions and objectives that make it different from the others. Below, we will see some of the advantages of each of the main social networks.


    Facebook is the most popular and widely used social network in the world, with over 2.8 billion monthly active users. Facebook allows users to create personal profiles or pages for companies and organizations, publish and share multimedia content, send and receive messages, make video calls, create groups and events, participate in communities and advertise products or services.


    Instagram is the most visually-focused social network, with over 1.2 billion monthly active users. Instagram allows users to create personal or business profiles, post and share photos and videos, send and receive messages, make video calls, create stories and reels, follow hashtags and influencers, explore recommended content, and advertise products or services.


    LinkedIn is the most professionally-oriented social network, with more than 740 million monthly active users. LinkedIn allows users to create personal or business profiles, publish and share relevant content, send and receive messages, make video calls, create groups and events, participate in debates and forums, search for and offer employment, training and business opportunities, and advertise products or services.


    YouTube is the most specialized social network for audiovisual content, with more than 2.3 billion monthly active users. YouTube allows users to create personal or corporate channels, upload and share videos, send and receive messages, make video calls, create playlists and live broadcasts, follow channels and content creators, explore recommended content and advertise products or services.


    TikTok is the most innovative and viral social network of the moment, with more than 689 million monthly active users. TikTok allows you to create personal or business profiles, publish and share short videos with special effects, send and receive messages, make video calls, create duets and challenges, follow trends and celebrities, explore recommended content and advertise products or services.

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    How to advertise on social media

    Social media advertising is a way to promote products, services, brands and ideas through digital platforms. Social media advertising has several advantages such as:

    • Reach : Social media advertising allows you to reach a large number of people who use digital platforms on a daily basis. The target audience can be segmented according to their demographic, geographic, psychographic and behavioral characteristics.
    • Cost : Social media advertising is relatively inexpensive compared to other traditional media such as television, radio or print. The budget can be adjusted according to the objectives and expected results.
    • Measurement : Social media advertising allows you to measure the impact and performance of your advertising campaigns. You can access data and indicators such as the number of impressions, clicks, conversions, interactions or sales generated by the advertising.
    • Interaction : Advertising on social media allows you to generate interaction and engagement with your target audience. You can create a close and personalized relationship with your customers and followers, as well as receive valuable feedback and information to improve your offer or service.

    To advertise on social networks, you must follow some steps such as:

    • Define your goals : You need to establish what you want to achieve with social media advertising. Your goals may include increasing brand awareness, generating website traffic, capturing leads or potential customers, increasing sales, or building customer loyalty.
    • Choosing the platforms : The most appropriate social networks for advertising must be selected based on the type of product or service being offered, the profile of the target audience you want to reach, and the format of the content you want to display.

    Written by Moises Hamui Abadi : I am an entrepreneur, founding partner of Viceversa and SoyMacho. After leading several digital businesses and advising several other businesses, I decided to form MHA Consulting, a digital marketing consultancy dedicated to growing and empowering digital businesses in more than 7 countries and generating more than 1,500 million pesos.

    Schedule a call with MHA and let us advise you so you can reach your sales goals.

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